Sunday, June 26, 2011

Protect your computer from viruses

Many people yell their pc got victimized of the so called - vital information resource under seize as a result of using flash drives(fd).  Here comes the notion which for sure will solve their problem. The first step is to download CPE17 autorun killer ( and start it. By its name it is lucid it kills the autorun if subsist in the flash drives. Then the elective step (but recommended) to scan the fd via secure anti-virus(such as avira). - the download link.

Then after,

  1. Open my computer
  2. Tools (at the menu bar)
  3. Folder options
  4. View
  5. Turn on show hidden files, folders, and drives
  6. Uncheck hide protected operating system files(Recommended)
  7. Uncheck hide extensions for known file types
  8. Apply
  9. Press win+E, that is, explore my computer
  10. Explore the flash drive (don't open it directly, just explore, explore it from the list at the left)
  11. If you didn't scan the drive with secure anti-virus, then search *.exe files and delete all the folders with extensions .exe if any exists ( remember only folders, virus makes original folder system folder ultimately hiding it and persists as a folder with .exe extension in the same name of the original folder)
  12. Delete autorun if still remains
  13. Delete any files you find with awkward names and awkward  icons, you are to delete any files that are not required to you and you think were not your files. Don't worry that they may be system files as there are no system files existing on must of the flash drives. just be confirmed they are not your important files
  14. Now you have made your pc secure from the viral invasion through the flash drives you are using.
  15. Finally, check back the  hide protected operating system files(Recommended) of step 6 and turn off show hidden files, folders, and drives of step 5

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